Registered in England, 07329337
Core Analysis

BALMS Energy provides basic routine core analysis to determine non-dynamic petrophysical properties including porosity, permeability, residual saturation, grain density and pore-size distribution.

CT Scanned Images

Images of core samples can be generated using micro-CT scanners. The scanned images are further differentiated into pores and grains for further numerical computation of constitutive relations.

Single-Phase Flow

Various flow simulations are conducted to compute petrophysical parameters like permeability, porosity, saturation and pore-size distribution. Particle movement through the pore-space can also be simulated to investigate dispersion processes.

Synthetic Grain Packs

Synthetic grain samples can be generated by dynamic settling under gravity using the discrete element method to determine petrophysical properties. The grain packings can be differentiated into pores and grains using CAD tools and meshed using unstructured mesher.

CAD Model of Core Samples

Micro-CT scan or photomicrographic images are digitized, filtered, thresholded and segmented using Computer-Aided-Design tools. Non-uniform Rational B-spline curves are used to capture complex grain boundaries. The pore-spaces are then meshed using unstructured mesh generator.

Pore-Space Meshing

The pore-space of the filtered, thresholded and segmented core geometries are then meshed using unstructured mesh generator. Mesh sensitivity are further carried out to ensure a water-tight output