Registered in England, 07329337
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BALMS Energy
BALMS Energy is an energy consultancy, offering full professional services in petroleum and gas engineering. We provide training and technical services in all aspects of oil and gas engineering including health & safety and environmental impact assessment.
Digital Wireless Technology
Digital wireless technology provides an advanced platform for data acquisition and transmission from oil and gas surface and subsurface facilities. Watchlog transmitters can be deployed as compact fixed units or with cables which allow for remote placement of the transmitter. Data can be stored locally or transmitted to the cloud via output modules and gateways. Please, Contact us for further details.
Software Application
We deploy state-of-art software packages to tackle the most complex oil and gas problems. Conventional simulators are used for standard reservoir studies while a special purpose simulator is used in cases involving complex geological systems. We partner with RFD in delivering advanced software technological solutions in petroleum reservoir engineering.